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Masumi Kawamura "Mirror Portraits"

Masumi Kawamura "Mirror Portraits"
An emerging photographer's works curated by graduates from AIT Curation Practice Course 2009

August 20, 2011 - August 31, 2011, 11:00-19:00, Closed on Sunday
Free admission
AIT room #B403 Twin Building, 30-8 Sarugaku-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo [MAP]
Opening Reception: August 20, 2011, 18:00-20:00 (Artist talk: 19:00)

"Mirror Portraits"/Type C Print/variable size/ 2011

This exhibition, curated by graduates from the Curation Practice Course at Arts Initiative Tokyo (AIT), presents new artworks created by the emerging artist, Masumi Kawamura. Three curators, each working at different day jobs, incorporated their unique backgrounds and ideas into this exhibition. Guided by the single keyword "Daikanyama", where AIT is located, the curators created a unique exhibition.

Kawamura constantly explores memories and narratives in her photographs, and recently has become interested in people's relationships with architecture. In response to the keyword "Daikanyama", Kawamura focused on the Hillside Terrace development (by internationally renowned architect Fumihiko Maki), which has contributed to the unique urban culture of Daikanyama.

For the exhibition, Kawamura interviewed women currently living or working at Hillside Terrace about their mothers, and later shot video portraits. By having other women present the individual dialogue from the interview, personal memories are transformed into a universal story. As the stories intermingle with the viewer's individual experiences, various ambivalent feelings and memories will be evoked. 

This exhibition aims to provide an opportunity to reflect upon one's background, whilst considering that of each of the featured women. In addition it will give an opportunity to reconsider the relationship between images, and between image and text.
The artist's work will be available for viewing at the opening reception on August 20.

[ Masumi Kawamura BIOGRAPHY ]
Candidate for MA in Fine Arts, Tokyo University of Arts
2004 - Group exhibition "27th Canon New Cosmos of Photography"
2006 - Solo exhibition "I know you go" Palanga, Lithuania
2006 - Group exhibition "New Visions of Japanese Photography"
Featured in a number of publications including Studio Voice - "Japanese Photographers 100" and "Women's Photographers Guide". http://www.masumikawamura.com

"missing" /Type C Print/variable size/2006/Reference image

"Mirror Portraits study" /Type C Print/variable size/2011/Reference image

*Mirror Portraits" Planning Committee
The committee consists of three graduates from the MAD (Making Art Different) program run by Arts Initiative Tokyo, an independent art school organising lectures and symposiums, curating exhibitions, and managing artist residency programs in Tokyo. The committee was formed with the aim of creating an exhibition different to the conventional exhibitions usually enjoyed in museums.

Organizer:Mirror Portraits Planning Committee: Yukiko Goto, Lisa Morita, Sayaka Shinkai
Cooperation:Arts Initiative Tokyo
Press Contact:daikanyama.exhibition@gmail.com
